«War is the father and king of all.» – Heraclitus In ancient Greece, a well-known strategy board game was “Enneadi”...
search results
ÍASIS _Healing Music with the Lyre
ODYSSEY Ancient World Music
PANDORA music album
Petteia of Achilles & Plato
«War is the father and king of all.» – Heraclitus The most sophisticated board game the Greeks invented to sharpen...
Petteia of Achilles & Plato – Collector’s Edition
Collector’s Edition: a unique Petteia board game, completely made by hand. This special edition is subject to very...
Reduced Ticket
Only for kids under 12. Here, you can purchase your reduced tickets for a SEIKILO Museum guided tour, available for...
Regular Ticket
Here, you can purchase your tickets for a SEIKILO Museum guided tour. Every ticket is for one person, so be sure to...
Spherical Trias of ancient Nikopolis
«I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.» – Alexander the...
Trias of Ostia Antica
«War is the father and king of all.» – Heraclitus Trias of Ostia Antica (Terni lapilli in Latin) was one of the first...
Workshop Ticket
Here, you can purchase your Workshop Tickets for a SEIKILO Museum guided tour. Every ticket is for one person, so be...
Healing Music in Ancient Greece
I begin to sing of Asclepius, son of Apollo and healer of sicknesses. — Hesiod, Homeric Hymn to Ascleipus From songs...
Lyre Mythos Combo Pack
The Lyre as a Symbol: Deciphering 59 Masterpieces of Art
"The Lyre as a Symbol embarks on an enchanting journey through pivotal moments in portraying this unique instrument in...
The Lyre Player: In the Footsteps of Apollo
All you need to know to kick-start your lyre journey in a comprehensive compact guide. What did it mean to be a lyre...
The Song of the Lyre: Ancient Stories of Gods, Heroes, and Mortals
"A collection of ancient Greek & Roman stories that teaches us not only about the instrument but about philosophy,...
The Orphic Hymns on the Lyre – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian What came to be known as the Orphic Hymns is a...
Healing Music on the Lyre – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian Hymns, or devotional songs, are an integral part...
Sappho’s Erotic Lyric Poetry – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian Few names can be said to truly challenge the...
Homer’s Iliad on the Lyre – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian The Iliad is the first of Homer's two epics,...
Homer’s Odyssey on the Lyre – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian One of Homer’s two great epics is the Odyssey. As...
Jason & the Argonauts for the Lyre – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian Apollonious Rhodius’ Argonautica has a curious...
Starter Pack (8 books combo) – 20% discount
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian This combo starter pack includes 8 books and 75+...
9 Easy Melodies for Beginners – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian It is not a secret that music (and the lyre)...
9 Ancient Melodies that Survive to This Day – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian Let's unearth and learn together how to play a...
9 Songs to Discover the Ancient Greek Modes – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian In this Sheet Music Book, we focus on helping...
Learning the Lyre Full Series (3 books combo pack) – 20% discount
"Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward...
AURORA music album
Full Collection (7 Ancient World Music Albums)
Learning the Ancient Greek Lyre – Beginners (Book 1)
"Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward...
PAUSIS debut album
SACRED HARMONY (Healing Mother Nature)
SEIKILO Ancient World Music (Compilation One)
Learning the Ancient Greek Lyre – Intermediate (Book 2)
"Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward...
Learning the Ancient Greek Lyre – Advanced (Book 3)
"Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward...
Ancient Sambuca (7 or 9 strings)
“And Phoebus Apollo laughed for joy; for the sweet throb of the marvelous music went to his heart, and a soft longing...
AURORA Songs by Lina Palera – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian Learn how to play all the seven songs of Lina...
Baglamas | traditional Greek instrument with rich sound
This is a premium musical instrument, a replica of the rebetika genre baglamas. It arrived in Greece in the 1900s by...
Baglamas | traditional Greek instrument with rich sound
This is a premium musical instrument, a replica of the rebetika genre baglamas. It arrived in Greece in the 1900s by...
BENDIR (with tuning system), including a high-end GigBag
Rhythm finds its way into the secret places of the soul. — Plato This is a premium musical instrument, a replica of...
Best Of Michael Levy – Lyre Sheet Music of his Greatest Songs
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian Prepare to embark on a musical journey to the...
Best Of Theodore Koumartzis – 10 melodies for the 9strings lyre
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian Learn your first songs on the lyre, including 5...
Best Of Thanasis Kleopas – Lyre Sheet Music of his Greatest Songs
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian Learn how to play eight of the greatest songs by...
Hesiod’s Theogony – Lyre Sheet Music
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian If there is a single name that stands alongside...
12 Easy Melodies for the 5string Lyre (or for lyres with more than 5 strings)
"There is no benefit when music stands secret and hidden." — Lucian Learn your first songs on the lyre, including 5...
Bouzouki of the Patriarch | traditional Greek instrument
This is a premium musical instrument, a replica of the rebetika genre bouzouki. It arrived in Greece in the 1900s by...
Bouzouki of the Patriarch | traditional Greek instrument
This is a premium musical instrument, a replica of the rebetika genre bouzouki. It arrived in Greece in the 1900s by...
DAHARE BENDIR (with bronze cymbals and a tuning system), including a high-end GigBag
"In the rhythm of music, a secret is hidden." — Rumi This is a premium musical instrument known as Dahare, a type of...
King Lyre of Pan (9 or 11 strings) – ancient Greek lyre
“I Call strong Pan, the substance of the whole, etherial, marine, earthly, general soul, Immortal fire.” - Orphic Hymn...
Kithara of the Golden Age (7 or 9 strings)
This is a replica of an ancient Kithara, an advanced musical instrument of Classical Greece used mainly by...